Animal I Have Who Has is great for reading, listening, and speaking and a perfect way to introduce this fun and easy activity to younger students. With a base vocabulary of 25 animals, the print-ready pdf file includes three colorful and differentiated games. The first game uses pictures only. The second game replaces the pictures with words on half the card. The third version uses words only. Also included is an Animal Chart, perfect for preparing students before the game and review after playing.
I Have, Who Has activities are great for large or small groups and are very easy to play. Simply deal the cards out and arrange them face-up on the table. Players must be able to see all of their cards.
These cards have designated “Begin” and “End” cards. The player with the “Begin” card reads her card first. Whoever has the next card reads that one and so forth. After reading a card aloud, it is turned over. The game is finished when the player with the “End” card reads his card.