Clock Bingo Black & White


Time to play Bingo! This print-ready black & white PDF file includes:

  • 30 Clock Bingo game boards
  • 40 images for use as draw cards.

Click here to see a PREVIEW.

To make the game more expedient in class, the clocks are divided into time groups, e.g., hours, half hours, quarters, etc. There are two sets of draw cards with digital and analog clock readings, e.g., two-twenty and twenty past two. Alternate cards are also included that replace ‘fifteen’ with ‘quarter.’ Be sure to check out the preview!

Color Clock Bingo is also available and just as much fun to play!

Bingo, though a seemingly simple game on the surface, is a stress-free activity excellent for focused vocabulary review. In a typical game, players must listen carefully, scan their cards quickly, and follow the game closely to win. Allowing students to participate by pulling cards and shouting out when they win, creates a full-class experience of cooperation and fun.

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