Clock Work


This is the PDF download page for Clock Work.

  • 130 pages
  • Step by step lessons
  • Includes review pages, game boards, and teaching aids
  • Perfect for children through adult classes


A complete set of Clock Worksheets for students on every level! This PDF file includes 135 pages of primary Clock Worksheets. From the first introduction to complex time concepts, students learn step by step. These worksheets also include review pages, teaching aides, and game boards! The worksheet sections are ordered by letters and numbers with six sections A-F.
  •  ‘A’ worksheets practice the hours.
  • ‘B’ worksheets practice the half hours.
  • ‘C’ worksheets practice 15 minute increments.
  • ‘D’ worksheets practice 10 minute increments.
  • ‘E’ worksheets practice 5 minute increments.
  • ‘F’ worksheets practice 1 minute increments.
Review worksheets combine 2 or more sections with corresponding letters, e.g., A-D Review. Each section, as well as review worksheets, include five basic kinds of differentiated exercises with nine clock faces on each page.
  • Writing the digital time as indicated on the analog clock.
  • Drawing clock hands corresponding to digital time.
  • Drawing clock hands corresponding to digital time written in words.
  • Drawing clock hands corresponding to written time that includes ‘to, past, quarter to, quarter past, and half past.’
  • Writing the time in words corresponding to the analog clock.
Review pages include the above types of worksheets, plus game boards and time duration exercises. Finally, game instructions, blank templates, and teaching aids have been included to help when explaining time concepts to students.